The Eurasian Owl is an owl the size of a crow, like any owl with sharp claws. It hunts at night, usually from an ambush. Mainly catches small rodents: mice, voles, rats, shrews, moles, does not despise birds, bats, amphibians and reptiles, squirrels, young rabbits. A hungry owl catches grasshoppers and large beetles, a small fish, it will not despise carrion. During the day, the tawny owl can be spotted on a branch next to its hollow. Nearby, under a tree on the surface of the ground, you can find characteristic pellets - several centimeters long "rolls" formed of undigested food remains: teeth, bones, feathers, scales of victims or insects, which the owl spits out because they are too large to pass through its system digestive tract and were removed with the faeces. The tawny owl's voice is characteristic - a hoot. As some tawny owls live in the vicinity of old cemeteries (with old hollow trees), the night hooting of these owls is not the best association and in many people fear.
fot. Adrian Czech